Course: Art 7
Learning Outcome: Students will be able to describe how to use focal points to create a composition.
Instructions: Create a short video explaining how to use focal points to create an artistic composition.
Hardware: Use your phone or a webcam on a school computer or your own laptop to record your video.
Software: Use Shortcut Video Editor, Vimeo, Powtoon or Microsoft Video Editor, to create your video. You may use other options as well if you are interested.
Timeline: One class period.
Distribution: Share your video on Google Classroom under the lesson topic.
Course: Art 7
Learning Outcome: Students will be able to recognize how the principles of design can be used to greatest effect when using focal points.
Instructions: Create a number of short videos explaining how to use the principles of design to effectively make use of focal points in an artistic composition.
Hardware: Use your phone, a recording device of your choice or a webcam on a school computer or your own personal laptop to record your video.
Software: Use Shortcut Video Editor (Tutorial Link), Powtoon (Tutorial Link), Vimeo (Tutorial Link) or Microsoft Video Editor (Tutorial Link), to assemble your clips together, add titles or effects to create your video. You may use other options as well if you are interested.
Timeline: Four class periods, due the following week.
Distribution: Share your video on Google Classroom under the lesson topic.

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