I really like the idea of using interactive media, it is often more engaging than simple lecture and allows the implementation of other elements that you may not be able to do in a live classroom setting.

  1. In the educational context where you teach or support learning, what outcomes and associated content could be supported by interactive media?

    I feel that the students in the K-12 setting would benefit from this sort of learning throughout the curriculum. It allows them to be more engaged no matter what the classes are they may be taking.  I also think it would allow for a more clear cut way of administering both summative and formative assessments and interpreting those results.

  2. What challenges would you or your institution face in developing interactive media and integrating it into your courses?

    Resources are one of the first thing that comes to mind, allowing for the resources needed to adapt to something like this could be simple if the format and access are decent. However, if those resources are harder to come by then the challenge becomes greater. There is also the challenge of having some of the students and parents not buying in to the programs for varying reasons.

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